Set photography in theatre was my “first love”. I always loved theaters and the magical atmosphere of the stage, even the smell of theaters fascinates me and brings me into a timeless space where everything is possible and real.
I had the privilege of being able to photograph for the Ghione Theatre of Rome, thanks to the generosity of the leader.
On stage I have “cut my teeth”, error after error I learned to make the most of the cameras that I use, I spent entire nights trying to recover impossible shots in post-production and to rejoice for a few photos sold.
Theater is wonderful but I was also a bit spoiled, photographically speaking. The scene is there in front of your eyes and you can only move in search of the expression of the actor, the “perfect moment” that could make the difference between a regular photo and a great photo.
The same approach that I still have today in the “street photography” in which I should be almost invisible in order to get interesting shots.

This has much to do with my own psychology but it is a limit that I feel as binding and frustrating.
Maybe that’s why I left this first great passion and I feel me ready to new possibilities of expression.

Pedernales Haitian border - monday morning market